Project Description
Real-Time PCR Kit Covid-19
What is Our Works about Real-Time PCR Diagnosis Kit


Detection of Covid-19 as soon as possible helps to cure the patients with this disease better. Many methods have been developed to detect this virus in the human body, including Rapid methods, etc., but through these methods, the exact existence of the virus can be determined. The most accurate method is to use Real-Time PCR.
Detecting Virus in 3 Genes Simultaneausly
Detecting Type of Delta separately
Less than 55 minutes time to detect

In this work, gene selection and optimal selection of probes and primers have been done in such a way that in less than 55 minutes, the exact amount of Covid-19 corona virus can be detected in three genes simultaneously. An innovative step in this invention is the simultaneous use of 3 genes E, RdRp and Rnase Human as well as increasing the detection speed by Real-Time PCR.
Higher than 95% Accuracy
Copmetitative Pricing
Low Response time

The Real-Time PCR kit to diagnosis Chinese Covid-19 and its mutation (Delta) has been developed by this company. At this moment the technology has been sold to a french company and it has been released in market by that company

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